J2ME Code Interview Questions
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How can I create connection two blue-tooth mobile in j2me. please urgent


write a program to input a natural number less than and display it in words.test your program on the sample data and some random data sample input= 29 sample output= Twenty nine sample input=17001 sample output= out of range sample input=119 sample output =one hundred and nineteen sample input=500 sample output=five hundred


wap to input a natural number less than and display it in words. test your program on the sample data and some random data sample input= 29 sample output= Twenty nine sample input=17001 sample output= out of range sample input=119 sample output =one hundred and nineteen sample input=500 sample output=five hundred

1 4411

create a slide show which has three slides,which includes only text.program should change to the new slide after 5 seconds.After the third slide program returns to the first slide.

1 7982

create a MIDP application,which show to the user 4 questions.All questions have 4 possible options and one right option exactly.Application counts and shows to the user how many right answers were right and shows them to user.

1 7288

What is CDC?

2 2619

What is Telematics?

2 2421

What is the J2ME platform?

1 2174

J2ME defines two configurations - CLDC and CDC. Explain them

1 2368

What are profiles in J2ME?

1 2067

What is Java Community Process (JCP)?

1 2406

Why does Java strictly specify the range and behavior of its primitive types?

1 3218

Why should we catch super class exceptions?

1 2195

What is difference between J2SE,J2EE and J2ME?

2 5238

What is preverifier?

1 2678

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How can I create connection two blue-tooth mobile in j2me. please urgent


What is Generic" J2ME architecture?


write a program to input a natural number less than and display it in words.test your program on the sample data and some random data sample input= 29 sample output= Twenty nine sample input=17001 sample output= out of range sample input=119 sample output =one hundred and nineteen sample input=500 sample output=five hundred


Explain MIDlet Life cycle?