QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is purpose of automation?

3 7120

what are the difference ways of parameterising?

1 3378

What is error handled other than recovery scenario manager?

2 5344

What is difference between WR and QTP?

2 5297

what kind of erros can be handled with the using QTP?

CTS, Satyam,

2 4881

How you used DDT in QTP?

1 6239

Difference between keyword driven test and DDT?

1 5202

How did you use regular expressions in QTP and also in WR?


How do you learn the object in QTP?

2 6218

How will you handle custom object in QTP?

2 13883

what is defination of intergration testing?

2 4299

what is defination of regression testing?

3 5842

what is defination of system testing?

CodeArrow, Infosys, Omax,

3 5971

How will you report the bug and explain the defect tracking sheet you handled?



What In-string function will do?

1 7580

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For the below written code , i want to be stop the loop (ex:10 times), but it is focusing to first line of the code & generating error. vbwindow("vbname:=frmMain").Type micAltDwn + "6" + "2" + "D" +micAltUp 'wiil open the particular window in application vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").vbbutton("vbname:=cmdNew").Click DataTable.ImportSheet"F:\QTP VBScript\Form 26-1.xls","Deduction",Global RowCount = DataTable.GetSheet("Global").GetRowCount i=RowCount For j =1 to i 'vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").WinObject("nativeclass:=DataComboWndClass","abs_y:= 187").Type DataTable("Name", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type DataTable("Name", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type DataTable("Section", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtOfPay").Set DataTable("Amount_of_Payment", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtPaidDate").Set DataTable("Amount_PaidCredited_Date", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtPaidDate").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type DataTable("Deduction_is", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbButton("vbname:=cmdSave").Click DataTable.SetNextRow Next vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbButton("vbname:=cmdClose").Click


What is 'sleep' in sync point?


How to use the object spy in quicktest professional 8.0 version?


how many maximum number of virtual users we can create?


i am looking job in perfomance testing using Loadrunner any one help me a project plz......?(Chandana) chs_29@rediffmail.com


Explain step generator in qtp?


Hi, I got error message as "object does not support this property or method: "Test.Actions" when i execute the following line of script on QTP 9.0 Dim qtApp, qtRep Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") Set qtRep = qtApp.Test.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories Can anyone tell me where i am wrong.


What are the two types of repositories available, explain them?


Can we run multiple QTP scripts one after the other without manual intervention? How?


Define Error Pane of UFT?


What are the views available in quicktest professional (qtp)?


Is it possible to merge two object repository files in qtp?


how to post xml data from QTP scripts to any application?


What is the syntax for how to call one script from another?


How many add-ins comes by default with quicktest professional?