QTP Interview Questions
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Where should we turn Smart Identification ON in QTP?

5 9223

How do we create and run the scripts with out using O.R. ?

5 6243

How to record & run on Japanese language application using english version of QTP ???


4 9052

Now it appears to be more than enough... I have learn entire QTP, I did whatever I could do but still facing lots of problem and those problems could be removed only after working in professional atmosphere. But still unable to expose myself as professionaly. It is becoming panic, It has been two years I am in manual testing and looking for the change but all the recruiters ask for QTP, but my problem is I don't have working experience with QTP. Kindly suggest me I really need effective suggestions. I dont have more caliber to work with present organization cause of salary reasons...boo.. hooo...hooo. My email address is alkaa.dugaal@gmail.com


How should i find out whether the cursor is moving horizantally. when tabbing continuously


2 4290

Can any one brief some detail on how the shared and action object repository utilized/implemented in a real time project. I already know how to make shared object repositor by saving OR as .tsr extension..I wanted the actual concept of implementation...couple of live examples will be highly appreciated. Thanks


Subj: realtime example of Database check point, Can any one please detail on how the Database check point is utilized/implemented in a real time project. I already know how to make one by creating DSN/ODBC and writing the required query manually and other steps...I wanted the actual concept of implementation...couple of live examples will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance


whenever a scenario is recorded ever, it creates a object repository automatically (‘per action’ /local ). we do not need to make them individually…then why we need a shared object repository. How it will be practically utilized ?? your input will be highly appreciated..

5 4813

What is the present version of the VB Script we are using

1 3582

What is the method for maximize the application while we using Decriptive programming in QTP?

3 9521

if Object repository contain x and y properties. we do not know whether they are mandatory or assistive properties. While executing the script qtp will use both the properties or only sufficient properties to identify the object. It means it use OR (or) AND


8 13745

You have an application version 1 with 5 combo boxes, Developers develop version 2. Here they replaced bottom 3 combo boxes with each other. While executing the Test script for version1 no errors. When we execute the Test script for version2 that QTP showing the error message "Object not identified" remember no property changed in version 2, ordinal identifier also disabled. Find what properties might change here in this scenario


6 8085

i want information about API testing and i want info like how process can be done in company? i want added info like coding ,debugging, desing in c.v ? what should add in c.v for eg banking domin? pls any answer my question?


For Passing Parameters from one Action to another Action we will use Input & Output parameters. Can any one tell how to use this Input & Output parameters with Example ?


2 7169

hi frinds i need help .i have 4 + yrs exp in testing and nearly 2 yrs exp in QTP and QC .currently iam working north fast 2 yrs iam looking for job in south is there any openings plz letme know my mail id is pbre1980@gmail.com


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in quicktest professional (qtp)?


1. What is the difference between Keyword and function in the keyword driven framework? 2. How do you associate Keywords to the script ?


What are the challenges u faced in testing with crm domain? How u overcome with?


what is the advantages and disadvantages of using functions instead of re usable actions


What is quicktest professional window?


What are output values and why they are used ?


Explain the concept of how quicktest professional identifies object?


What are the types of object repositories? Which one is you using?


How many types of actions are there in quicktest professional (qtp)?


How many types of run modes are there in qtp?


Explain in brief about the quicktest professional automation object model?


how to idetfy which test cases are automated?who will deside that plz tell me


What are table and db checkpoints?


tell me exact differenceb bw qtp and selenium?(could not tell open soure and licennce? difference in usage and technical difference?


Hi we are using QTP9.0 for Seibel Application and this seibel application will give you a popup messagebox which is of web , so qtp takes 3 mins to recognize the messagebox and to click on it , we have more number of messageboxes like this . please suggest me some solution