QTP Interview Questions
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what is the test object?

1 2854

who QTP recognizes the object stored in object repository?

Infosys, Mphasis,


What is post recovery scenario?


what is reusable action and how the same can be implemented (process)?

2 7260

How will u integrate oracel with QTP?


2 5969

How QTP integrate with application?

1 7303

what is object repository?

4 4768

what are all the fileds present in object repository?



what is smart identification?

1 3813

what are the mandatory properties for a tex boxc (scenario?)


what is check point?

2 3651

what is object?


5 5718

what is action in QTP?


1 2534

what will be there in keyword view and expert view?

2 4664

what is regular expression how will you implement it?

1 5846

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?


what could go wrong with test automation?


How do you send email with attachment from outlook using qtp ?


Hi, I'm a beginner in QTP and planning of a certification in QTP, but have no idea about it :P. Could anyone please tell me what certifications that a QTP- beginner can take? What is the fees and the syllabus for the certification? Please reply soon. Thanks Vidhya


can any body clearly explain about keyword driven framework .give me the explanation for files what ever you use in this frame work?


How do you know the location Id of an object if you know its index id?


How to write business scripts using object repository with different scenarios


In the Hybrid framework, data can access the database, excel file, XML etc. Is it true?


Can we record an application running on a remote machine using qtp?


How can i use virtual objects? If have i created one new virtual object in a virtual object manager by following instructions.


What are the differences between qtp and winrunner?


Shall we add Local Repository to shared object repository,if yes,how we add


Hi. I have completed B.TECH(CS) , But I will go to "SECURITY CONSOLE OPERATING" [C.C CAMERA abservation]. IF interviwer asks " Why you choose this job ?" What we will say? urgent.........................urgent...........


What are the features of quick test pro(qtp)?


What is the difference between QTP and WinRunner? Why do you choose only QTP for automation among remaing tools like Rational robot and silk test? Write the VBscript for any functionality in your project ? What is the cost of QTP ? If you entered into yahoo mail with your valid user name then you will get FOR EXAMPLE , " welcome to krishna " on the top of inbo page , how can you test it in QTP? What type of testing you can do, when we gave you 5 screens and how can you test that application? What type of framework you are using in your company and explain it?