WebMethods Interview Questions
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Can you spell "Webmethods" properly in the language of your choice?

2 9356

Do you buy stocks or bonds from a Broker?

3 6886

Can you spell SAP, ERP, CRM, XML and EDI properly?

4 11034

In what folder is the webMethods documentation for Broker located?

2 10215

n what folder is the webMethods documentation for the Broker Admin package located?

1 7219

How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually (gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?


What Are Event Handlers?

Tecnics Integration Technologies,

1 9020

What Happens When an Event Occurs?

2 8506

What Is a Regular Expression?


1 10290

How webMethods Developer Supports Tables?

1 9077

What Is a Third-Party Source Control Application?

1 5782

Is Source Control the Same as Locking?

1 5738

How Java Services Are Organized on the webmethods Server?

2 12148

What Happens When a Breakpoint is Encountered?

1 9086

What Is Data Validation?


1 10709

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Un-Answered Questions { WebMethods }

If I have a parent sequence with the property set- exit on success, and the try sequence block set to exit on failure, and the catch sequence block too set to failure, what is the result?


Explain about pub-sub architecture?


Explain what is indices in map flow step?


How many interfaces you implemented sofar?


Explain header handlers in web services


Explain what are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?


What are the advantages of eai?


When Should You Use Flow Diagram View?


can we build loop step with in the branch in such a way that the interface is look like that branch sequence: Deposit loop xxxxxx sequence: current loop xxxxxxx sequence: savings loop can we achieve the above senario.


post me important interview question on webmethods


How to convert document list to document? If document list contain documents and documents contain strings field. How to convert?


can any one please post Q and Ans for Trading Networks in webMethods


When we use repeate flow steps?


Where do you implemented pub-sub architecture?


how to configure sap adapter6.1