Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the Accounting Entries in Oracle Financial terminology ?

6 16010

How to open the new future periods in GL while we are in P2P or in O2C

1 3666

Can I Change the Value set once i attache to MY COA and can i post the journal entries with assiging the valuesets ti the COA

3 6991

Can any one please tell me when and how the a/cing entries will be generated from various modules when the transactions are generated Please help me in this matter Thanks KNRao

1 2177

Hi, I actually finished my oracle financials R12 course recently and am planning to attend an interview next can any one help me with some of the important interview questions? I am actually keeping 2 yrs fake exp....

1 4097

Hi, I am presently working in one of the reputed BPO in Oracle Finance(end user) but i am interested to work in Oracle consultant or Oracle support. Can any one provide the materials.

3 5429

How can we Integrate AP,AR,CM & FA to GL? What is the procedure need to fallow as a functional consultant?


2 9223

dear gurus i would like to know about Flex field qualifiers


4 6526

Anyone provide the oracle fin/scm definetions

Fresher, Genesis,


Hello sirs, Can any body could Explain how to raise invoice through Electronic method and later i want to mak payment through cheque method. What set up I Need to do for that. I Faced this question in the interview

2 5559

In R12 What are the PO types in Purchasing and Invoices in AP?

GTS, Oracle,

7 19176

What is receipt class & receipt source pls let me know


2 9095

What are the journal entries in O2C Cycle.


5 62957

What is the difference between Electronic fund transfer and wire?


1 14329

What is automatic off set method in 11i? Differentiate between balancing method and account method?


3 6029

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Apps Financial }

Can I do a payment of 50 bills on a post date. If yes, then how?


explain your project plan with exam pal? i am preparing inter view .............


What is Difference between Auto Copy Journal and recurring journal?


I have created an invoice and made the payment in Accounts payable. Now the payment status is Negotiable and accounting status is processed. I reconciled the transaction in Cash Mgmt, The status changed from negotiable to Reconciled in CM. I checked the payment status for the invoice in payment window(AP), the payment status changed to RECONCILED UNACCOUNTED i.e correct but the accounting status is remain processed which is not the correct. I hope the transaction will be correct if the accounting status would have changed to PERTIAL . Please suggest any solution for the above query.


Provide an overview of AR cash receipt processing.


What is gap analysis, how do you defined. What are the pre-requisities?


difference between tds and income tax (India)


What is the Process of Reconciliation Between AP to GL


Anyone provide the oracle fin/scm definetions


What is the use of mo: security profile, while configure multiorg?


what is the difference between bonus reserve and bonus expense


Write Test Scripts for a telecummunication project on the basis of priority with some examples with regard to AP,GL,FA.


what is the use of hr: security profile, while configure multiorg?


How to refund for a customer who returns goods and wants a refund for $600 in R12 In above scenarios customer does not want Credit Memo or On- Account Credit, he wants refund check . and as we know we do not issue check from AR. How can we issue Check from AP and how offsetting is done for the same in R12


How do you adjust receivables?