Instrumentation Interview Questions
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warning lamp does not light, but it does light when the wire from the lamp going to the sending unit is grounded (the part that plugs into the sending unit) what does this indicate)?

1 3489

what is the reason while warning lamp is on while the engine is cranking?



The wire is disconnected from the temperature sending unit (magnetic gauge). A voltmeter connected to the wire reads 0v. What does this indicate?

2 6431

The wire is disconnected from the fuel gauge sending unit (bimetallic gauge). A voltmeter connected to the wire reads a pulsating 5v. What does this indicate?

3 5593

Is there a particular problem if two proposals from the same observatory (originating with different partners) are submitted?

1 2992

which instrument is most commonly used to observe the external features of a grasshopper's abdomen?

1 5511

which instrument is used to study the structure of phloem and xylem tissue?

1 4089

Which products are available in the Mass Systemswitch and System Manager AC range?


Is SmartPlant Instrumentation taking advantage of the quality assurance procedures within Intergraph?

1 4477

Can SmartPlant Instrumentation be used in a concurrent engineering environment?

1 6703

How does the "as-built" function benefit plant owner/operators?

2 4716

How can SmartPlant Instrumentation users take advantage of these global services?

1 5416

Will Intergraph support SmartPlant Instrumentation in an AutoCAD or MicroStation environment on a long-term basis?


1 7315

How is SmartPlant Instrumentation related to INtools?


4 24457

How does SmartPlant Instrumentation interface with physical design (3D modeling)?


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Un-Answered Questions { Instrumentation }

how is work pressure switch& level switch?what is the principle of this?


how to calculate range of level transmitter?


which type of zones used for boiler? & why ?


How to calibrate capillary type level transmitter


State bernoulli’s application.


What are the materials available to prepare individually for competetive exams in Instrumentation field? Plz reply...


What is frequency factor in massflow meter? When using frequency output?


how many types of preheaters are in cement industry & what r they can any body explain?


can we replace a slot sensor (inductive type) with limit switch (potenial free contact / no-nc type).


what is thermo coupler and how it works


how many type of plug are used in pneumatic control valve,name them.


how to tune siemens sipart electro pneumatic positioner..plz tel me..


Capacitance, resistance ( colour coding ), parallel & series circuits.


Can I calibrate the Electromagnetic Flow Meter on line and How.


Linear amplifier.