Python Interview Questions
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Is there an inherent do-while loop in Python?

1 23

What is the best way to get the first five entries of a data frame?

1 23

How can you access the latest five entries of a DataFrame?

1 27

Explain classifier.

1 23

What advantages does Python offer as a programming tool in today's environment?

2 26

Is Python a compiled language or an interpreted language?

1 23

What are Python's key features?

1 67

What is the difference between `list` and `tuple` in Python?

1 69

Explain Python's data types.

1 63

What are Python's built-in data structures?

1 65

How do you handle exceptions in Python?

1 66

What is the difference between `deepcopy` and `shallow copy`?

1 71

What are list comprehensions in Python?

1 62

Explain the difference between `@staticmethod` and `@classmethod`.

1 63

What is the difference between `__str__` and `__repr__` methods in Python?

1 71

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Un-Answered Questions { Python }

You are required to scrap data from imdb top 250 movies page. It should only have fields movie name, year, and rating.


How do I run python setup py?


How will you locally save an image using its url address?


Is using eval in python a bad practice?


What are the disadvantages of using python?


Why does Python have a maximum recursion depth?


What is the best ide for python?


What are the types of functions in python?


How do I get numpy in python?


What are the two main data types in python?


What is the output of the below program?


What is the main use of python?


What is the difference between 'is' and '==' in python?


What are class methods in python?


What is the type () in python?