Non Technical Interview Questions
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I want start a small diary farm with 10 cow plz guid me?


How to build diary farm?


why would you like to change your career from IT?



why would you like to change your career from IT?


What is deferance between VAT & CST????/


2 6134

Hello everyone I'm looking for the Eassy writing topits which can be asked in interveies.could any one help me out?


plz send the kvb clerk post model question papers to


You have been give n the responsibility of creating an e- learning course on credit cards in seven days. You are on schedule for the first three days, on the fourth day, your favourite cousin comes to hyderabad and asks you to show him around. What would you do??


You have been given the additional responsibility of helping the BDM. You are asked to find the decision makers in various companies who would purchase 'c++' training courses. how would you go about this task??


Microsoft certifications are being conducted across 50 centres across India. The manager in charge of the certifications has fallen sick and you have been asked to handle this process for the next week. You get multiple complaints from candidates across five different centers across India. The complaints are related to technology? from computers hanging regularly to answers not being saved properly. What would you do??


You are helping X Company in recruiting candidates for the admin department. You have received over 50 resumes and need to pick 5 candidates to be interviewed by the x management. This takes up 4 hours of your time every day and you are falling behind your deadlines in creating e-learning modules. How would you ensure that you do not lag behind?


You are mentoring the new customer interaction executive who has just joined. The regular induction schedule which includes her reading and five call simulations, takes 7 working days. But due to pressure on calls, your boss asked to make sure she is starting to handle calls by friday morning. Today is monday. What would you do in this scenario?


I want to paint a kabord and per fit cost is Rs.1, when kabord height is 10 fit, width is 5 fit and deep is 4 fit then who many Rs. Will be spent to paint a kabord


10 20509

what is the PLR


how components may have extremely high mtbf and comparatively short mean life?


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Un-Answered Questions { Non Technical }

what is finance and accounting solutions


why would you like to change your career from IT?


How to build diary farm?


how a science graduate is helpful in banking. how his/her studies like physics/chemistry/mathematics is related to banking


Hi,Myself Aritra Kundu,has done MBA with Finance & hRM as specialization,recently cracked the SBI Clerical exam Nov 2009.So,now I am beat tensed about the type of questions I am likely to face in the broad.Since I am a managemnt student right from my graduation,Can anyone give some light about the question I am likely to encounter?


store officer most important goal for next year


You are helping X Company in recruiting candidates for the admin department. You have received over 50 resumes and need to pick 5 candidates to be interviewed by the x management. This takes up 4 hours of your time every day and you are falling behind your deadlines in creating e-learning modules. How would you ensure that you do not lag behind?


You are mentoring the new customer interaction executive who has just joined. The regular induction schedule which includes her reading and five call simulations, takes 7 working days. But due to pressure on calls, your boss asked to make sure she is starting to handle calls by friday morning. Today is monday. What would you do in this scenario?


plz send the kvb clerk post model question papers to


plz send me karnataka bank previous exam question papers for officers post,my email id is thanks in advance....


what types of questions are asked in SBI interview?


many of our friends are selected in HGS,first source,infosys bpo as non voice executives degree qualification we have doubt that all these companies are work as call centers can any one please suggest it would be most helpful


Hi I done my BSc(computers) recently from O.U., is there any one can help me being an IT student how to write SOP for doing business management course in New Zealand.


SBI conducted the exam in 6 shifts. some papers are easy and some are difficult. will the merit list be prepared for all papers equally or distinctly. please reply


I want start a small diary farm with 10 cow plz guid me?