Fashion Modelling AllOther Interview Questions
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How to become a full time Model ?

1 6154

Which magazines do you read and what is your favorite magazine?


What is a Portfolio?

1 5375

i'm just a beginner and i'm going to attend a serious casting. i know there are some very important things every model must care in her bag wherever she goes. so what are this things? thanks in advance!

1 5512

how to choose a photographer?

2 6087

Who is credited with popularizing the mini skirt?

1 5790

Who invented the C20th bikini?

2 8631

What non surgical products does western society use for women to enlarge the lips and lighten wrinkles?

1 5635

At which fashion show was Naomi Campbell modelling when she slipped on her platform soles?

2 6817

What 1980s TV soap opera with a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 million?

1 5171

Who was the 1980s and 1990s fashion icon known as the Clothes Horse Ambassadress of Fashion?

1 8909

What is a toile?

1 3669

Which shoe mostly worn by people such as ambulance and police workers became a 1970s fashion shoe?

1 6386

What was grunge?

1 3662

What is a Novak?

1 3417

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Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling AllOther }

What was a leg of lamb sleeve known as?


What was a style of red cloak called in the C18th?


im 21 years old n doing MBA can i b the modle with working in job how? n im smart n working out it is possible to do both it is my desire to b a modle is there need so much money? tell me how to start n first step my height 5.8smthing tell me


i am an 18 year old boy with good looks but i am just 5 feet 6 inches tall.can i do ranp modelling? how?


Which cathedral had to have its doors raised by four feet in 1776 so that gentry could enter without mishap to their coiffures?


What was pelisse-robe?


What male garment did women adopt circa 1800 to prevent see- through when wearing muslim dresses?


What was a poloniase?


Name the six novels Jane Austen published between 1811 and 1818?


What was a capote?


Which century did the height of hairstyles grow to ridiculous proportions?


i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?


What are the steps involved in Range planning?


What was a chemisette?


Which new invention by James Hargreaves in 1764 eventually wiped out the domestic industry of spinning yarns?