Law Interview Questions
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Is someone guilty if they did not set out to commit a crime up they ended up doing so?


What does it mean for someone to 'take' another's car?


Would you trade your scarf for my bike, even if you have no idea what state it's in or if I even have one?


How do you know what you don't know?


A manufacturing defect stops a parachute from deploying in a charity skydive leading to two people dying. Is this manslaughter or murder?


Should we make stalking illegal?


Should the law be black and white, or should it be flexible enough to look at each case on an individual basis?


If a law limits or restricts our freedom to do something, is that an unjust law with regards to autonomy?


What's the difference between a civil and criminal case?


Why are some professions exempt from Jury duty?


Should judges have a legislative role?


What is the point of a judge when laws are made by the jury?


What do you think the uses of traffic lights are?


If A gave B £100 thinking it was a loan and B accepted the money thinking it was a gift, should he have to give it back?


I'm having trouble with the meaning of three words: Lie, Deceive, Mislead. They seem to mean something a bit similar, but not exactly the same. Help me to sort them out from each other.


Un-Answered Questions { Law }

explain the NRI Accounts available for non resident indians with relative benefits: which account is most appropriate for the NRI.


What do you think is the most important issue facing the legal profession at the moment?


Company "A" has just secured a contract for the provision of 100 cars for the use of company "B" at various locations. Company "B" will be paying Company "A" monthly for the use of each car. Company "B" has employed and trained drivers that will handle the cars. Advise company'A" on the most appropriate mode of financing option stating reasons. Either as a finance lease,operating lease or hire purchase.


i am married to usa green card holder and now i want to go to usa on the student visa, will i have to face any problem if i get the visa and then i go to usa at the time of filing me on the immigrant visa status.


what type of questions do i expect in a law officer interview?


What is the hierarchy of courts in the UK?


A doctor is asked by a patient's family member to kill the patient as they are in a lot of pain. Would this be murder?


Define 'at fault'.


Ek bandaria aapne bachche ko le jati hai (Bandaria ka bachcha uspe chipka rahta hai) aur ek billi bhi aapne bachche ko le jati hai (Billi Aapne bachche ko mooh me pakad k lejati hai) maa to dono hai par dono me aantar kya hai.........?


Can an indian company issue shares at par value to an indian individual?


A man holds a gun up to your head and says "shoot your father or I'll kill you both". You then shoot. Are you guilty of murder?What about if he had said "shoot your father or I'll kill you".Finally, what about it he had said "shoot your father or I'll kill him".


What is the diffeence between interviewing a client witness and a nonclient witness


Explain Naomi Campbell's life.


What are the legislations framed to regulate Public Utility services such as railways,electricity,cooking gas,transports,postal & telegraphic sectors?


Are school uniforms a contravention of human rights?