Fashion Modelling Interview Questions
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I'm interested in putting on a really professional fashion show. How would I go about it?

2 4246

What are the responsibilities of someone who has their own clothing line?


Can I use a pattern from a vintage piece when designing my own pieces?

1 3174

I think being a Freelance Fashion Designer would be great. I'd love to be able to work with different designers. How does someone get started doing that? How do they get paid for their work?

8 10365

My high school sewing class is planning a fashion show of their designs for next spring. I am in charge of organizing the entire show. Can you help me with theme ideas and tips on making sure the show runs smoothly?


I have always dreamed of being a fashion designer. My problem is that all the fashion colleges I check out are so expensive. I don't exactly come from a rich family...


I would really love to pursue a fashion career involving shoes, handbags, and cosmetics. How can I go about doing that?

1 2741

Is it hard to make it into the fashion design business?

1 3923

My dream is to reform the men's clothing industry with my ideas. How do I specialize in just men's fashions?


When designing clothes ... what steps can be taken to get creative ideas flowing?

3 6593

What are the main responsibilities of a Fashion Designer?

2 10707

Do you have advice on how to get my own line of handbags started?

1 3178

How and when do most fashion designers get their big break?


How do I become a successful fashion designer?

1 3888

How much do fashion designers make?

MK Group,

1 3627

Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling }

if u get selected after the NIFT situation test then do u have to gve an interview and r u judged on it??


Explain the effect of industrial revolution on fashion.


Write notes on Different materials for different clothes?


Which magazines do you read and what is your favorite magazine?


What is fashion forecasting?


im kayyum khan i m 27 years old from U.p. i m 5.6 inch height having good photogenice face . i want to be model .pls tell me some tips how can i joind this feild. my email-id is thankQ


To which top supermodel was Richard Gere once married?


Explain Lace


When was neo gothic influence in dress fashions at its peak?


Define clothing.


What was a capote?


Discuss areas of fashion design.


Give an account of the costumes of Satavahana period.


Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?


When did waistlines reach a peak height in Regency Britain?