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Hughes Interview Questions
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what is the diff b/n c and c++ a. dynamic scoping b. nested switching c. declaration of variables in any code block d. separation of compilation and linking

2 5425

f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?

9 17390

To sorting array of 10 elements which sorting is best a)selection b)bubble c)tree sort

2 6884

converting 41.685 to binary

1 4489

x:validating :Are we producing product right y:verification:Are we producing right right a)X is wrong statement b)y is " c)x and Y " d)x & y is right statement

1 5730

client server is working in asyn mode then how communication will take place bt client and server.


If A sends a message to B with encryption then key is a)A public key b)B public key c)A private key d)B private key

2 4231

In a class only declaration of the function is there but defintion is not there then what is that function?

5 7655

If "AaBbCc" is passed to the char char x(*a) { a[0]?x(a+1):1; printf("%c",a[0]); return 1; } what will be the output?

6 8155

f(*p) { p=(char *)malloc(6); p="hello"; return; } main() { char *p="bye"; f(p); printf("%s",p); } what is the o/p?

7 8695

if heap sort contains n elements, no of comparsions required are

2 4900

if there are n nodes in a binary tree, how many null pointers are there?

4 21344

which of the following is efficient in terms of space a. insertion sort b. quick sort c. selection d. both a and c

1 2912

HUGHES PLACEMENT PAPER -------- Placement Paper - 1

1 6137

HUGHES PLACEMENT PAPERS ------ Placement Paper 2

1 5675

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What is a named pipe?


What do u mean by instance?


Explain how Hive Deserialize and serialize the data?


how many processes can I run with single licence?


Why do we use javascript in php?


Can 32 bit programs run on 64 bit windows 10?


What irritates you about co-workers and what is your style of management?


Explain your Organizational Skills?


Explain what is involved in the process of double-entry accounting?


Can %notfound return null after a fetch?


What is spring ioc?


Explain what is the dipole moment of chlorooctane?


Tell me what is rtos?


Describe some of your most important career accomplishments


What is a transition plugin?