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why neutral can not used in three phase motor connection?

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Besides the extent of branching, can you think of any other structural parameters that might lead to differences in physical properties? : Polymer Chemistry


What is supporting issues GL AP and AR?


What is the difference between httpd and apache?


What is an ecommerce platform?


How do you create editable fields in word?


What is a copy constructor? What is the need for it?


In my application I have a process which picks the scanned files (tif format) from a shared location and it links to application and shown on it.The actuall issue is that my process picks the file before it is completly written or scanned which results in displaying few parts of the image or incomplete image.I need to check if the file is not completly scanned or written then do not link it to application.Please help if any body tell me that how can i check that file is in written phase or locked through DTS.thanking you in advance


How do you create an html file?


Cheque rs 1400 received from Charles in settlement of a debit of rs 1500 returned dishonored


what is the power in horse power of a 4 stroke diesel with the following make up? piston diameter = 250mm length = 70mm stroke = 300 1 bar (1013kpa) rpm = 5/second please show workings


How do you change background color in html?


what is the meaning of written-off as goodwill written-off


How do I save a custom color in excel 2016?


Why dry type cast resin transformers tap link blast in HV side while power shut down times on load?


What is purpose of onerror event handler in javascript?