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Geometric Software Interview Questions
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opposite to ESSENTIAL?

5 13232

"Raw" means ?

4 13134

"Command" opposite?

3 13971

GENUINE opposite?

6 16787

Sum of two consecutive nos is 55, larger one is?

3 22646

A person goes 4/5 of his usual speed reaches 10 min late to his destinaton, time taken?

7 41832

80% pass in english, 70%pass in maths , 10%fail in both , 144 pass in both . How many all appeared to the test?

14 88900

To get a parabola if you cut a section of?

5 11273

Bird is flying 120km/hr b/w B to R. two trians at B to R at 60 kmph .The distance trvelled by the bird before it is killed.

2 9237

meaning of INERT ?

3 9597

0,7,26,63,124, ?

3 33884

If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual spee he reaches 40min late. If he walks athis usual speed how much time does he travels.

7 29028

Two trains A&B start at opposite points 120km at 60kmph. A fly starting along with train A at 120kmph reaches B then returns back to touch and continue. By the time two trains meet howmuch distance the fly would have travelled?

1 9206

In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% didnot passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is the total strength of the class.

10 34494

If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction which is left to him:

8 22330

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Un-Answered Questions

What are the five basic types of charts?


What does hibernate show_sql true mean?


Enumerate the steps in creating a bounded service through aidl?


What is the use of jms? In which situations we are using jms?


Explain how to list all routes in laravel?


A number of plant species have a recessive allele for albinism; homozygous albino (white) individuals are unable to synthesize chlorophyll. If a tobacco plant heterozygous for albinism is allowed to self-pollinate and 500 seeds germinate: a)how many offspring will be the same genotype as the parent? b)how many seedlings would you expect to be white?


What does a rollback do in idms?


Why do we need decentralized systems?


What is crossing?


How many ways are there to create ports?


What is difference between a gateway node and worker node?


Can food chain present quaternary consumers without having secondary or tertiary consumers? Can a tertiary consumer of one chain be a primary or secondary consumer of another chain?


Explain the concept of middleware in node.js?


Explain what are enzymes?


Can you define yarn?