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Fidelity Interview Questions
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we define the array like this 01 array 02 veg occurs 10 times 03 days occurs 6 times 04 cost pic 9(5). but why don't we write it as 01 array 02 veg occurs 10 times 03 days occurs 6 time 04 cost pic 9(5). is there any error will occur ,what is it? and why don't 01,02,03 not contain picture clause? if we put pic in those is there any error will occur what is it will occur?

1 4218

what is the difference between vsam and dataset how do u create vsam dataset which file you r used?

2 9999

how do you bind the cobol with db2


i want to enter the name 'pandu' into ur table how?

1 5587

How can done the Accounting of WTC ? OR WTC treat (Take) like Service tax credit?


What is diff between vsam and db2?what is advantage of db2 over vsam?which is best suited one?

1 8471

What is query for your birthday date should be in hours,minute and seconds format?

1 7171

I have a table(product),It contain fields(productname,cost). I want to retrieve the product name ,which cost is second maximum in the table?

10 12003

what are your hobbies?

1 3441

How will you debug your procedure? If your procedure is around 2000 lines and the expected output is 10 and we get only output 5.So how will you debug it? Somebody pls give the correct answer?

2 11507

what are the main tools of auditing?


How can we Get the Updated Rows? ie, There is 100s of Rows i updated the Rows who have salary 5000. then i want to select the Updated Rows. How can we achieve it?

4 14380

i have a table with fields(id,name,accnt_type)and in account type are FD,SAVING,RD. Write a query to get How many number of People are in each type of Account?

6 11970

wa procedure to return the month and the no'f developers joined in each month.

4 8514

using cursors salesman get bonus as 10% of their salary , managers get 20% , analalist get 30%. generae a report showing the employee name, salary , bonus.

4 10687

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Fidelity Interview Questions

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what are the secirity tools in mainframe? and let me know about the other tools and the uses of thst immediatly................


What is the difference between Gen1 and Gen2 Hadoop with regards to the Namenode?


Which property of sound is affected by change in air temperature?


What is an audit trail?


What is curl php?


Can you define serde in hive?


Explain how the system can automatically determine the item category in the sales order.


Suppose you want to implement the many-to-many relationships while designing tables. How would you do it?


Explain about the mainframe connect tools from sybase?


What do we do in the realization phase?


what is monetary polasy and how it is different from trade polacy? how it will impact on stockmarkets in India?


Describe the grafting in jasmine tree?


What are the three types of roles in the compute component in windows azure?


What is gang scheduling in operating system (os)?


What is the difference between htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars()?