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QueenZend Interview Questions
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What is the Diff. Between echo() and Print() in PHP?

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QueenZend Interview Questions

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Explain as a ba (business analyst) approaching a new piece of work, who would you interview and what questions would you ask?


What is the purpose of using css?


1. Buzz Words 1.1 Purpose Allow user easy access of content based on key/popular words 1.2 Scope All the tags at the portal. 1.3 User Interface - Tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with the tag. - Click takes you to page similar to Search Result page, should search all content and not only articles - Based on Most Viewed only 1.4 Interfacing/Sourcing Details - Need to develop an application which works on algorithm to calculate size/color of Buzz words. - In phase 1 algorithm will be pretty straight forward of calculating dimesion of Buzz words by going by ""Most Viewed/Visited"" words. Need to get exact algorithm.


List five most important parameter in 9i affecting performance?


Explain what is object oriented programming language?


what are the pecularity of shaver sockets ?


How can I boldly face the interview? Request:I am eagerly waiting for your replay.


what are the items falling under the category of reserves and surplus? whether bills of exchange is a reserves and surplus item 2.whther errors of omission will affect the trial balance


In which situation can you not use a viewstate?


How to switch between frames in selenium?


A certain couple tells you that they have two children, at least one of whom is a girl. What is the probability that they have two girls?


What are the assumptions made for kynch theory?


What have you liked or what has surprised you about the technology?


What is single object and reusable objects in data services?


How do you declare a variable that will hold string values?