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DEWA Interview Questions
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what is automatic voltage regulator?we can control the vlotage by using fuzzy controller in matlab?why we go for fuzzy?


what is the function of step up transformer?

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My lcd monitor not showing boot screen[dos]. Whenever I start the pc it shows blank screen till the windows xp starts. will you help me to solve this ?


Hi All, Is there any way to check whether a value is selected in a Multi-select tree prompt? I have a tree prompt and want to get to know whetehr which values user has selected,i want to so that values on the top of the report. I Have used that paramDisplayValue('paramername'),But it will display only last selected value. For Example i have tree prompt with one level Region- >country->states If user select region Asia it will dislay the all the Countries in that region and then if user select India it will display the states related to india only Suppose Hierachy look like this: Asia->India->Andhra Pradesh. I want to show this hierachy on the top of the report How it is possible? Can you please help me?


Do you know clustered and non-clustered index?


List the basic elements of a customer master record?


What is alias in db2?


What is length and weight of arihant?


Do we need to override service() method


How do you connect dashboard designer to hana database for dashboard creation? : hana bi development


What is executor memory in a spark application?


Explain the different types of data perl can handle.


For Which Industry we use Mobile Clients in SAP CRM


How does accessibility works in swings?


Which other primeng components have you used with angular 2?


What applications use apache struts?


Explain cassandra data model?