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Diya Interview Questions
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Difference Between Training and Learning?

18 32075

How would you describe yourself?* (In answer, you should write in not more than 200 words addressing your personal qualities,strengths,weaknesses and activities that intertest you. you may also like to touch upon what your parents and friends think of you.)

1 11873

Can anyone tell me the correct answer of below is about Bugzilla tool. When bug will find out at the time of executio where it will save or what is the location of bug??


How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TERMINATE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ?

1 3738

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1)can u tell me, what is the roles and responsibles for database tester in DB testing from requirement stage to UAT stage....2) what are the i/p documents he wants and who wil give the i/p docs. to DB tester.and tell me what exactly db test case means what?


What is a cs file?


What are intraspecific and interspecific ecological interactions?


How to calculate Acctually Brickwork Quantity in Honey Comb Brick in circular Soak Pit


You are the project manager for an upcoming outdoor concert event. You're working on the procurement plan for the computer software program that will control the lighting and screen projections during the concert. You're comparing the cost of purchasing a software product to the cost of your company programmers writing a custom software program. You are engaged in which of the following? A. Procurement planning B. Sensitivity analysis C. Transference of risk D. Make or buy analysis


Who are using node.js for their development?


How much waterproofing compound in one Sqm Plastering (thick.12mm)


What is action methods in web api?


Do all mobile phones support the latest android operating system?


can i use ups power as a raw power for another ups


Is std :: string immutable?


Define ampere


What is the use of keep and peek in “tempdata”?


Define directives in angularjs.


Please enumerate the various components of the Spark Ecosystem.