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CybAge Interview Questions
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IS method overriding is Duplication of Methods?

5 8784

If I give u refill which cost is 5000 & I ll give u refill then how u find that refill cost is right or wrong? & that refill is new in market.


How you test IP address

6 20008

wt is a datastructure

8 13354

if i used stored procedure for retrieving the data from sql front end i had used data reader.when 100 records are there in table.when it has displayed ten records in frontend database has been collapsed.then where should our data available...

2 5939

why v use c++ even we have microprocessor

2 7024

Can u link the logged defect to the perticular requirement in QC just as we can map TCs to requirements in QC.

2 10946

Advantages of Inheritance in java.

11 34685

Tell me real world example of polymorphism and encapsulation .

10 38864

difference between the run time polymorphism and compile time poly morphism and about virtual function.

2 12314

Explain me in detail V model with diagram?

1 8106

What is the detail boot process in linux? Start form Pc on..?

3 8949

what is test initiation criteria in software testing

2 6461

What would be your action if client would raise a bug after release?

2 8545

If you stuck somewhere while reproducing defect then what will you do?

3 8961

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Can I turn the ruler off (or turn it back on) in ms word?


How does a coverage tool work?


What are the benefits of joomla?


rules for creating asset downpayment account


In Galvonised iron and stainsteel pipes, in which pipe friction losses will more and why ?


How to make columns in a table editable?


If 24 KVA AVR having Input voltage 200-400v, Output voltage 415+-1%, what will be the voltage if Load is 13A.


Is __ init __ necessary in python?


What is an alternative to windows 10?


Why is it not possible to post to a customer a/c in a previously closed period?


What are fetch types in hibernate?


What is difference between innertext and innerhtml?


How will you call an Applet using Java Script Function?


Difference interview organization owned entities vs user owned entities.


Does group by remove duplicates?