my @array=('data1','data2'); my @array1=('data1','data2'); my ($i,$k); $i=7; $k=7; while($i){ $array [++$#array] = 'ree'; $i--; print "@array"; } while($k){ push(@array1,'ree'); $k--; print "@array1"; } Are these two while loop are doing the same functionality ? What may be the difference?
1 3386If the the material sent for job work in outside state for job work ,what should be service tax chargeable or not if material receipt after job work done to job worker kindly suggestion
1525Post New A1 Technology Interview Questions
Explain what is a class?
Define cotter joint?
Define left-in threaded tree?
Which plant fossil is the oldest among the others those found by archeologists?
Hook up resistance decade box to temp.transmitter.
Where do we use ACvisitor class?
How do I remove programs from the start menu?
how to get a job in stock markets for MBA-FINANCE?
what is the general life cycle of metazoans?
What are the syntax rules for a soap message?
What is gradient? How to apply gradient?
How to do performance testing?
Will existing investors participate in the round? - Venture Capitalists
Hi...........i want to know the pattern for written test for the post of Jr.Executive(Electronics) in AAI(Airports Authority Of India).Kindly send me the same.My email id Is
Why is c called c?