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ABC Inc Interview Questions
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What is an Economizer?

4 8663

What is the effect of high alkaline water to a boiler?

3 15907

Steps In starting boilers.

1 3553

What is the color of the flame of the boiler running in good condition?

6 13346

What is a brake horsepower?

1 4254

What is thrust bearing?

1 3966

What are the causes of boiler backfire and steps in how to prevent it from happening?

4 55902

What are the causes of high alkalinity in boiler water?

2 6277

What are sensible heat, latent heat, and specific heat of water?

1 4131

What are the causes of turbine vibration

9 27037

What are steam turbine parts usually come into damage?

3 5596

What type of pump use in boiler F.O. system?

2 4746

What s gland sealing steam?

3 6494

. Where can you find the feed check valve and feed stop valve and give the purpose of it?

1 4744

How to prevent back fire of boiler?

2 6339

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Un-Answered Questions

Define the steps necessary to set up CO-PA for BW?


How to measure velocity if our iteration lengths change?


Explain the ionic equation for hcl-naoh?


How to use filtering function in XSLT?


Mention the types of accounts involved in double entry book-keeping?


What is the difference between bayesian and frequentist?


What is the difference between implicit and explicit transaction?


What is xml and its characteristics?


A family, planning a weekend trip, decides to spend not more than a total of 8 hours driving. By leaving early in the morning, they can average 40 miles per hour on the way to their destination. Due to the heavy Sunday traffic, they can average only 30 miles per hour on the return trip. What is the farthest distance from home they can plan to go? (EXPLAIN WITH PROPER STEPS)


Why we debit expenses and credit incomes ?


what is functionality of polymer? how can we get theoretical and practically?


Define role of volume in big data?


Can we have multiple struts config files ?


what is the function of GSB all class ?


Which power will flow first if we switch on a motor Active or Reactive? How?