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CMC Interview Questions
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What is TSY?

4 8800

does tester use design document for writing testcases

4 8180

how to add additional instances sar r3, what are the steps to take server is down.


Which of the following is known as ?graveyard of RBCS?? 1 Liver 2 Bone marrow 3 Spleen 4 appendix

12 55045

What is B+ tree?

6 28909

What is the difference between tcp/ip protocol and IP protocol?

2 8354

loop1: { x=i 5 9044

how to shift the rows to cols? eg: i have like field1 field2 field3 10 20 20 this should be displayed as field1 10 field2 20 field3 30 (without the obs col) how do this?can i use transpose or tell me suitable way to do this?

3 7448

what is the difference between SDI and MDI

15 97991

How the Action Trigger works? and what is full syntex of srw.run_report?

1 8120

What is the protocol is used in type4 driver?

4 5641

What are the two major components of JDBC?

5 12958



what is difference between type 4 driver and type 1 driver?

2 12477

what is difference between prepare stetement and callable starement with example?

1 4498

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CMC Interview Questions

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What is a partitioning key?


At a shop of marbles, packs of marbles are prepared. Packets are named A, B, C, D, E …….. All packets are kept in a VERTICAL SHELF in random order. Any numbers of packets with these names could be kept in that shelf as in this example: bottom of shelf ---> [AAAJKRDFDEWAAYFYYKK]-----Top of shelf. All these packets are to be loaded on cars. The cars are lined in order, so that the packet could be loaded on them. The cars are also named [A, B, C, D, E,………….]. Each Car will load the packet with the same alphabet. So, for example, car ‘A’ will load all the packets with name ‘A’. Each particular car will come at the loading point only once. The cars will come at the loading point in alphabetical order. So, car ‘B’ will come and take all the packets with name ‘B’ from the shelf, then car ‘C’ will come. No matter how deep in the shelf any packet ‘B’ is, all of the ‘B’ packets will be displaced before the ‘C’ car arrives. For that purpose, some additional shelves are provided. The packets which are after the packet B, are kept in those shelves. Any one of these shelves contains only packets, having the same name. For example, if any particular shelf is used and if a packet with name X is in it, then only the packets having names X will be kept in it. That shelf will look like [XXXXXXX]. If any shelf is used once, then it could be used again only if it is vacant. Packets from the initial shelf could be unloaded from top only. Write a program that finds the minimum total number of shelves, including the initial one required for this loading process.


write down a program to overwrite the contents of the flag register in 8085


Describe how a .net application is compiled and executed


Explain do you know how to submit claims to a clearinghouse? Have you ever set up a provider with a clearinghouse or resolved claim submittal problemswith them? : insurance health


what is the difference between new, save and create?


How to write date and time interval literals in oracle?


hi this is hema can anyone mail me previous years questions for the APPSC-A.E.E (in electrical stream.) ......thank u.


Is a table valued function object?


example when you were able to successfully communicate with another person.


How to detect when a connection between a client and server is broken?


Mention the key features of couchdb?


How do you write from PL/1 code to JCL?


i'm testing the webpage with QTP, in this wabpage i have to choose the CV from the window, but QTP can't recognize the object, so i used the Low LEvel Recording, but every time i run the test, QTP go to halt when it gets to the Recorded part, any solution for that?( except puting delay in the script and manuall selecting, because i've did that)


What is python used for?