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Microtech Engineering Interview Questions
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How can get electrical "c" licence.I am complited in Deee.Passing year of 1993.Working in pvt cocern lt Line.Please advise me .Cell no 9994786021

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what is the difference between bonus reserve and bonus expense


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Your project involves the research and development of a new food additive. You’re ready to release the product to your customer when you discover that a minor reaction might occur in people with certain conditions. The reactions to date have been very minor, and no known long-lasting side effects have been noted. As project manager you should: A. Do nothing because the reactions are so minor that very few people will be affected. B. Inform the customer that you've discovered this condition and tell them you'll research it further to determine the impacts. C. Inform your customer that there is no problem with the additive release the product to them. D. Tell the customer you'll correct the reaction problems in the next batch but you'll release the first batch of product to them now to begin using.


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How much water is lost through a commercial cooling tower system with a throughput of about 600 gpm?