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BSNL Interview Questions
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A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.


Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63

1 2083

Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, ---


Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)


Find the value of the 678 to the base 7.


G(0)=-1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?


Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle.Find the one that is impossible? (HINT : sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one which is larger)


If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.


If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as ---------


If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?


If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) ?s address is 1245 and then address of (5,7) is ----------


In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.


In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5).


In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth letter from right?

1 2662

Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the given set of options which satisfy the above condition?


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