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National Insurance Company Limited Interview Questions
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average of 13 papers is 40.average of first 7 papers is 42 and last seven papers is 35.find the marks obtained in 7th paper?

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a web application needs to be created to accept the product name and quantity of a toy from a customer. After the customer has entered the product name the application needs to display the discounted price of the product to the customer (company is offering 35% discount on all products). The application should allow the customer to select the product name from a list box. and also while i'm data binding to a label with custom data binding with some declarations : "The Discounted Price is "+((System.Convert.todouble(lblprodprice.text)*(system.convert.todouble(txtqty.text)) - ((System.convert.todouble(lblprodprice.text)*(system.convert.todouble(txtqty.text)*0.35)). Where i need to give this declaration in 2.0.


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1. Consider the following algorithm: for ( i = 1 ; i <= 1 . 5 n ; i++) cout << i ; for ( i = n ; i >= 1 ; i - - ) cout << i ; (a) What is the output when n = 2, n = 4, and n = 6? (b) What is the time complexity T(n)? You may assume that the input n is divisible by 2.


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