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Lodha Interview Questions
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How do you determine realistic schedules for the project?

1 44008

how the slump and Compressive Strength of concrete cube is performed in a civil engg lab ?

8 25079

How much binding wire is required for one tone reinforcement ?

21 128946

what is westage % for steel, concrete,tiles,pains as per indian staderd code?

6 59930

can we go for short rcc column without any steel rienfocement carrying truely axial load only???(No other load acting on it such as wind load,earthquake & lateral earth pressure)

2 5175

diesel generator not getting start so whats problems will happen to DG and how we can start DG

1 3980

Why we used ther red bricks for construction..

1 2855

What is the difference between pvc,cpvc and upvc and where it is used as per their properties?????


how to calculate steel in slabs ?

1 8772

Why do we not deduct steel volume to find actual volume of concrete in practical as we have studied that,,, actual volume of concrete = volume of column- volume of steel pls explain with reference of IS code?????


why do we not deduct volume of steel to find actual volume of concrete in practical???


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Is it cost effective to implement a private cloud rather than a public cloud and why?


Give examples of the Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on our lives?


does reactjs use html?


what are the code used for residental building?


what is the benefit of floating our DC source? if i have two floating DC source of which 1 has a ref voltage of -21VDC and the other of -18VDC. can it be connected in parallel to share a common ref voltage? if not, how do i make both sources to be of common ref voltage? tks


What is the enumerator of the java collection framework? : java collections


State some situations where exceptions may arise in java?


Can you explain why software is called a product?


What does c mean before a date?


How will you get the last occurrence of one string within another string using vbscript?


How to delete a column and add a new column to database


What about interrupt() method of thread class ?


How is di implemented in the spring framework?


What is a content type?


Which supports for creating a Linux VPN (Virtual Private Network)?