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Bally Technologies Interview Questions
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What is Restrictions in hibernate?

1 5028

Hi, this is sekhar yadav, when the testing starts...

9 10357

what are the difference between qtp8.2 to 9.0 surya

1 4969

Q: Testing across diffrent languages is called? (

2 15100

can any body give the code to write the function for given suppose user login with usrer id and pwd to yahoomail.after cliking "sign in"if it is valid user id the next page will display userid'message box.( Note u have to use excel sheet to retrive the userid's data)

3 8067

write testcase for print option using mswod

1 7807

what all the metrics to be checked for a document ?

1 6424

write the SQL statement to retrieve the 2nd Highest salary ammount(File Name="EMPLOY",Field Name="SALARY")

6 18325

Hi.can any body give me the code for this quesiton please.Because i dont have to try to enter the code in to the AS/400 server.Please can anybody give the answer for this question with complete code? A smple RPLE pgm which accepts the starting number and ending number as parameter.It then has to count all the odd numbers b/w the accepted range of numbers and display the results/ Ex:if the input parameters are 11 and 30 the result should be 10(11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29) Please explain and give me the complete code?

2 5138

1)Asked to write test cases on Print option in a MS word application 2 Give scenarios for the following: throw a ball into bucket full of water and write scenarios so that water does not spill out. Explain test stratergy. What is localization. What do u test in localization?

1 8172

Unix question: 1)command to print a list of files containing a particular word. 2) what does a .profile mean. 3) what is a file server? 4) Command to move towards left in vi editor explain grep and find commands using example.


self join query in sql. 15 objective questions. What is equi join and outer join

2 8676

few automation basic questions One question to write a scriot in any language you know.


Puzzles 1)Three geniuses stand in a file (one behind the other). Each can see only to the front, so the rear person can see the middle and the front, the middle person can see the front, and the genius in the front cannot see anyone. You have five hats. Two are white, and three are red. You blindfold the three geniuses, who are utterly truthful, and put a hat--at random-on the head of each. Then you hide the other two hats and remove the blindfolds. You then ask each genius to name the color of his hat (which he cannot see). The rear on says "I don't know." The middle on says, " I don't know." Then the front onw says, "I know." WHAT COLOR IS THE FRONT GENIUS' HAT? 2) one reasoning puzzle. 3) A monkey falls into a 30 ft well. Every day it climbs 3 ft up and falls 2 feet up. How many days will it take for it to jump out of the well.

6 13919

Question 1)Read the data from one file and remove all the duplicated words and generate an output file containg only using words.Program should also print number of occurance of each words on standard output.(Program must be use STL and iostream object). Question 2)Write a program to convert the lower case contents of file to upper case using STL. Question 3)What is the output of this problem. int i=12; int &r =i; r+r/4; int +p =&r; int *p = &r; P+=r; return 1; Answer :a)12 b)17 c) 30 d)24 E)15 Question 4) #include #include #include void main() { char srcstr[30],desstr[30]; int i,len; clrscr(); cout<<"\nenter the string\n"; cin>>srcstr; len=strlen(srcstr); for(i=0;srcstr[i]!='\0';i++) { desstr[--len]=srcstr[i]; } desstr[i]='\0'; cout<<"\nreversed string is\n"; for(i=0;desstr[i]!='\0';i++) { cout< } getch(); } Answer : A) string output b)tuptuo gnirts c) string d)output Question 5) Class Test { static const Tk=LEN; int q; public: foo(intx =LEN):q(x){}; TGet Q() const { return q:} void call test Foo foo(10); std::const<< foo.Getq(); Answer: 7,8,9,10,11 question 6) class A { int a; char b; }; class B:public A { char b; int a; }; What is the size? Answer a)5 bytes for class A and 5 bytes class B b)4 bytes for class A and 8 bytes class B. c).... d)....

2 7871

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What is asynchronous call?


i am Ali from Hyderabad,having twice rejected on conference visa(USA),possessing 9 years of teaching experience,my current ielts score is 6 bands and my current age is 34,do suggest me some suitable universities for MBA course in USA,and what are the prospect of getting a visa.


Why we use oops in c#?


What are the frameworks available in rc?


What is dynamic array how it is created?


After the generation of a report to whom we have to deploy or what we do after the completion of a report?


Explain the various colour harmonies with the help of diagrams.


Do web servers have ip addresses?


Which is the PHP compatibility used for Joomla 3.x?


any function have arguments one or more OR not . it is compulsary a) any function compulsary have one or more arguments b) any function did not have arguments. It is not compulsary c) it is optional it is not compulsary d) none of the above


Explain do you shoot raw or jpeg?


Program to find the sum of digits of a given number until the sum becomes a single digit. (e.g. 12345=>1+2+3+4+5=15=>1+5=6)


What are tuning jvm parameters?


how to identify the failure of building by expansive soils


What in your past experience or education prepares you for the position for which you are applying