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AZTEC Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is interface testing

8 29339

What is BVA and ECP 2. Which version of WINRUNNER and QTP you are using in the project 3. What is the use of Recovery manager in QTP 4. What is retesting and regression testing 5. Write the SQL queries for the following EMP table to select the employee id and his details from emp table 6. For example: employee dept and employee id and employee name and employee salary 7. what is a sub and what is a driver 8. What are your roles and responsibilities in your project 9. Does BVA is equivalent to ECP 10. If you find a bug what will you do

2 5001

What are the differences in testing a client-Server and a web Application

5 14164

What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?

7 17562

Hi frnds im interviews they are one question 4r me.i have been asked this one in 4 interviews.." AS A TESTER, WHAT IS UR GOAL OR AIM OR AMBITION..? ".. can any one gve answer perfect answer ? tank u .. reply me plss

18 16149

Hi,frnds. can any one tel me " is QUALITY CENTER & TEST DIRECTOR are same or different ? if different, pls tel me the difference.. its an question asked me in an interview.. pls tel me frnds

6 8320

Tell me about CMM LEVEL -4 …what are steps that to be followed to achieve the CMM -IV standards?

1 6169

1.What is Traceability matrix and how it is done ? 2.What are the different levels of testing used during testing the application? 3.What is Traceability matrix and how it is done ? 4. How can you differentiate Severity and Priority based on technical and business point of view. plz do reply..............

3 9688

what is the difference between regression testing and re testing..?

16 15459

Post New AZTEC Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define a biodigester?


Explain the consequences of using bs3 engine fuel with bs4 engines.


How breakdown maintenance and corrective maintenance are different from each other?


how to configure sap adapter 4.1


What is a Do-Follow link?


Tell us what is icai?


Does scala and java support call-by-name?


Define a page in idms?


what are the functional specification in AP, APP ?


How many types of tables are there in oracle?


Do you know what is the purpose of cables being shielded and having twisted pairs?


What is artificial intelligence neural networks?


Explain about bpo & how it works? : bpo


What does partial order or planning involve?


Can playing sports with no mouth guard wreck teeth?