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Siemens Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 491415

What is Copy Constructor?

5 18717

How would your co-workers/classmates/friends describe you?

16 33839

Give an example of a time when you had to make a quick decision on the job?

7 31235

What would you want to achieve in your first year on the job?

19 82052

What is an abstract class?

5 10010

What is the difference between creating an object, using 'new' and using 'malloc'?

3 11274

What is a virtual base class?

6 22839

Do you know how to joint the H.T and L.T Cables?

23 57577

Difference between Top down and bottom up approaches for a given project ?

14 105353

What the difference between capital goods and infrastructure.

2 9464

What is the difference between debugging and manual testing?

8 18199

When test plan will be prepared in v-model?

7 17116

when the test plan will be prepared in waterfall model?

3 12191

what is monkey testing?

24 35743

Post New Siemens Interview Questions

Siemens Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What do you mean by a drawable folder in android?


What is ascii code?


What is html hiddenfor?


Do you know what is http middleware?


Tell me bts configuration 4+2+2?


Define shortest path?


How to enable mp3 content type in sap authoring tool


What is the role of action class?


What should be the aim of successful marketing?


What is swing control in java?


What are the methods to set up the local repository in different methods?


Can impala do user-defined functions (udfs)?


how to export outlook folders to another format?


how is work pressure switch& level switch?what is the principle of this?


What is return null in java?