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Semantic Space QTP Interview Questions
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Among all the check points what is the most important checkpoint?

5 8428

What are the most frequent errors you faced while executing your scripts?

4 9140

What are the file extensions for per-action, shared object repository files and what is the extension for library files?

9 27995

How do u retrieve data from a text file into different variables. i.e. in a text file named "source" , the data is like : india,1000,japan,200,china,50,singapore,45050 this is given in the first line of the text file. in the second line of the text file the dta is: sun,moon,planet,river,earth,water if u use "readline" method by using FSO concept u can retrieve the entire line in to a variable. but i want to import each field (ex: "india" in one variable, "1000" in another variable etc..). Apprecitae proper replies.

5 9621

How do u write a regular expression for date (dd/mm/yyyy) field ?

4 9341

How do u write regular expression for a window name which is changing for each build ? i.e. in first build the window name is : "computer graphics are very ...." . in second build the window name is : "computer graphics can be created" . - Appreciate proper replies

4 7378

What is parameterization? What is syncronization pt.?

3 11060

What are default add-ins in qtp?

14 55307

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?

2 5145

i have opend 2 gmails i am working with 1 gmail i want to close other gmail by usig script. 2.i have 10 links in a page all of them have same properties& names i want to click on 5link by using script. 3.i have one combobox in that i want to see all the citynames in the combobox and i have to check weather hyderabad is present or not. 4. size of objectrepository. 5.what r problems we get during writing the script. it possible to compare to excel sheets in qtp if possible wht is the script. 7.example for lowlevelrecording

3 5590

Does QTP recognize two diff browser's at a time..?if possible how..? Is it possible run scripts on Mozilla which are recorded on IE..?..How..?

12 27958

Can a function return a dictionary object?

2 16921

banking domain description for software tester for interview


diff between qtp versions from 8.5


banking project description for software tester


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I am apply the AAI. So i want electrical sample question paper in technical with answer my id is


Why hibernate is required?


What is the difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray in iOS operating system?


Define miniature effect ?


In a numeric pyramid to which tropic level does the base always refer?


Explain insert into select statement?


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How many rows can xlsx handle?


Can I uninstall visual c++ 2005?


What are the main cultural reasons in the change of fashion?


What is a hibernatetemplate?


How to invoke the original export import utilities?


. A BSC can contain ___________ number of BCF packs.


Name the scientist who has been invited by the Srilankan Governement to have a Study on Employment development?


How do I compress a powerpoint file in windows?