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Semantic Space Interview Questions
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when we want to be a good tester what should we need to be good at...

6 7724

how will u know whether ur reported bug is accepted r rejected?

3 7213

what is the difference between defect age and build intervel period?

1 4828

what type of documents do u prepare during testing

9 12804

what is the difference between lifecycle model and v-model

6 12572

what r the key components in a test plan document?

6 10061

what is the difference between buglog and defect tracking?

4 11991

unix system is a)multi processing b)multi processing ,multiuser c)multi processing ,multiuser,multitasking d)multiuser,multitasking

7 22796

Among all the check points what is the most important checkpoint?

5 8431

What are the most frequent errors you faced while executing your scripts?

4 9141

What are the file extensions for per-action, shared object repository files and what is the extension for library files?

9 28006

how do u develop test harness?

5 9443

Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?

69 103241

Semantic Space Writtentest Campus Placement Paper ,Group Discussion --- 5 Dec 2006

2 18160

1.what is use of touch commnad and chmod 2.Testing inter view there 45 questions. 5 for apititude 20 unix + networking 5 for testing question 10 c or c ++ or java 5 perl or shell scripting +or database 3.what do you know in unix? 4.what is netmask 5.what is stack 6.explain osi model 7.a=10; ++a=a++ Then what is value of a? 8.What is sdlc 9.what is stlc 10.What is ip address/Different classses of Ip address 11.write down test cases how to check computer is in nework or not? 12.what is difference between window 98 and windows 2000 13.How to find ip addess of your computer 14. when we will do risk analysis in test plan?

3 6163

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Un-Answered Questions

How to test different Authorization levels for the Admin user and Userside users.


Enlist advantages and disadvantages of statelessness?


what motivates you at work


What is the difference between apply and unapply methods in scala?


Define cebr?


What gives the current position of the put pointer?


What is a digital signature and what is authentication ?


Explain the difference between pseudo-conversational and conversational?


describe the brief rehabilitation program for GBS ?


Are Utility Services Affected?


(1) In turbine, what does term CDP, NI, NH, HSSOC, means. (2) What is the purpose of LO overhead tank in turbines.(3) An equipment is certified for EEX, IA, IIC,T6, what do you under stand by this.(4) what is SURGE, and how it is prevented, what is the purpose of bypass valve across AS valve.(5) Give 2 application of quartz crystal used for process parameter measurement.(6) what is meant by cold float of compressor shaft. (7) state four different types of flow measurement. For gas flow measurement mmscfd is the common unit. Expand the unit and specify significance of word S in the unit.(8) what is meant by Gap voltage, in vibration measurement. Normally how much Gap voltage is set and state the reason.(9) what will the new flow factor if D/P transmitter is Re-Ranged from 25” wc to 50” wc.(10) what is the usage of QDV & Volume booster.


What is validation in laravel and how it is used?


Explain bid invitation and Quotation process in SAP SRM?


Inline parameters : What does the compiler do with the parameters of inline function, that can be evaluated in runtime ?


How many types of cursor type are there?