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RRB General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
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The only developing country to win the right to impose sanctionhs on a G-7 trading partner through the WTO dispute settlement mechanism in the famous ?banana disputes? is 1 Brazil 2 India 3 Columbia 4 Ecuador

13 12553

. The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is : (a) Nitrogen (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Methane (d) Ammonia

28 123473

. The Chief Minister of a State in India is not eligible to vote in the Presidential election is (a) He himself is a candidate (b) He is yet to prove his majority on the floor of the Lower House of the State legislature (c) He is a member of the Upper House of the State legislature (d) He is a caretaker Chief Minister

4 18506

. The Ryotwari Settlement was introduced by the British in the (a) Bengal Presidency (b) Madras Presidency (c) Bombay Presidency (d) Madras and Bombay Presidencies

9 22988

. Which one of the following strongly threatens biodiversity? (a) Fragile ecosystems such as mangroves and wetlands (b) Inaccessible habitats in the Himalayas (c) Destruction of natural habitats and vegetation and shifting cultivation (d) Creation of biosphere reserves

1 4584

. The first Indian ruler who joined the Subsidiary Alliance was (a) The Nawab of Oudh (b) The Nizam of Hyderabad (c) Peshwa Baji Rao II (d) The King of Travancore

3 17474

. Monazite is an ore of (a) Zirconium (b) Thorium (c) Titanium (d) Iron

4 31787

. The speed of light will be minimum while passing through (a) Glass (b) Vaccum (c) Water (d) Air

11 50101

The element common to all acids is 1 Carbon 2 Hydrogen 3 Oxygen 4 Sulphur

6 35620

A person will have brown eyes, blue eyes or black eyes depending upon the particular pigment present in the 1 Pupil 2 Cornea 3 Iris 4 Choroids

4 14731

Inside the body, blood does not coagulate due to the presence of 1 Fibrin 2 Hemoglobin 3 Heparin 4 Thromboplastin

4 19681

Blood group of an individual is controlled by 1 Shape of RBC 2 Shape of WBC 3 Genes 4 Hemoglobin

8 13423

Red blood corpuscles are formed in 1 Liver 2 Small intestine 3 Kidneys 4 Bone marrow

10 20142

The maximum temperature the human skin can tolerate without getting blisters is 1 400C 2 600C 3 800C 4 1000C

5 18690

Element that is not found in blood is 1 Iron 2 Copper 3 Chromium 4 Magnesium

9 37708

Post New RRB General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

RRB General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the use of scrollflush()


What are Regex / regular expressions ?


Distinguish between Server-side and Client-side code?


How deadlock is detected?


how Sequence to connect and retrieve data from database using dataset?


what is a Additional domain ? what is a child domain?


What are the 5 stages of chkdsk?


Difference between dispose and finallize method?


Explain transformations?


Dear friens,this is sreedhar i am a pharmacy post graduate and having 3 years of experience in pharma industry. I am searching job in USA. through that i want to apply H1,please sugeest me how can i search job or is there any consultancies in india help me to get job?


Can we use commit inside a trigger?


What are IDMS set of occurances?


What are the allotropes of iron and carbon?


Whose blogs or podcasts do you follow? Do you blog or podcast?


Why python is fast?