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MBT Interview Questions
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what is parallel testing?

17 53396

What is endurance testing?

16 65148

what is mask testing?

2 11873

Branch testing comes under white box testing or black box testing?

2 8903

what is the meaning of compatibility testing in view of web application testing?

12 18167

what is Latent Bug?

9 22302

what is test plan and what it consists?

15 57640

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

11 21839

Is there any diff. between Bug,Defect,Error?

19 26588

what are the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall model?

23 65248

where testing exactly starts in v-model?

19 27746

what is verification and validation?

34 94740

When should u feel that u can stop testing now?

11 16896

What is Test Strategy and Test Plan..what is the Diff.between those?

5 14361

What kinds of testing have you done?

11 29333

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How can all organisms share the same 4 bases DNA and still be so diverse?


Is air travel time the same whether or not the plane is flying with or against the rotation of the earth?


How many ways we can retrieve the date in result set of mysql using php?


When we use void main and int main?


What is expression trees services provided by dlr to clr?


Explain Task Perform in Workflow?


What is the difference in the modern periodic table and mendeleevs table?


What is zone in angular?


hbase support syntax structure like sql. Yes or no?


Explain what does wsdl stand for?


How to authenticate users in express js?


What is data file?


is openspan an rpa tool?


Explain the difference between @autowired and @inject?


IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is less than 44 THEN reject it ELSE IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is greater than 56 THEN reject it ELSE it's a digit, so accept it Which one of the following sets of ASCII codes do you use to test the sample code above WITHOUT redundant coverage?