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Matrix Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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what is the difference between M.C and LOD

21 66305

calibrtion procedue of LC-MS


in what basis wavelength will select for a compound at initial method development trials

4 11152

How did you conclude that when stressing a compond, all degradation products have eluted in chromatogram?

7 10071

Why using Holmium oxide in UV calibration

8 42978

why does the result variation in hplc and gc with same sample ?

4 11017

Why pH Range has been fixed as 0 to 14 ?

1 6533

what is the defferance between the potency and working standard

1 5221

water is more polar than acetonitrile.but in reverse phase chromatography peaks elute earlier when we increse Acetonitrile.what is the reason.

10 49098

Why do we use sodium salicylate for Calibration TLC Cabinet U.V Lamps

3 22721

What is the difference between Optical rotation and Spcefic optical rotation

2 12314

Post New Matrix Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are user-defined functions (udfs) in sql server?


How can you increase the customers to buy your products more? : insurance cold calling


What is auto-layout?


I want measure the volumetric flow of gas in waste heat recovery Boiler?Tell me how and which type of instruments required. Plz mail Sam please post the answer .


What is servlet in simple terms?


1) Test summary contains ? 2) Requirement Tracebility means ? 3) Test Effort contains ? 4) Test Planning Productivity ? 5) Metrics should be caluclated ? 6) Interest rate Rsik is a type ? 7) Test analysis and Design process task? 8) secured loan is a part of Liability (or) assest in a balance sheet? 9) Money Market means? 10) a ------ specifies all of the terms of a loan and the obligations borrower ? 11) what is a primary market is ? 12) Quality of Testing measure with ? 13) Company has a share with facevalue 10 rs/- and NAV of 37 after comapny has given Dividend of 35 % then How much NAV become ? ( I don't know what is NAV means, question overall Idea I am giving not 100% perfect ) the potions for these are 1) 33 2) 33.50 3) 37 4) 42 14) one compay has taken 10 million loan from a bank for a Interest rate is 10 % and base amount is 0.4% so how much they had paid monthly Emi ? they provideansews like 1) 100000 2) 114000 3) 140000 4) 104000 Remaing questions I not remember.


Suppose we change the price of a material in purchase info record, will it change the price in all purchase orders where material is yet to deliver?


What will happen if there is a default method conflict as mentioned above and we have specified the same signature method in the base class instead of overriding in the existing class ?


Describe about RelativeResource Property in WPF application?


Explain the most common data types used in teradata?


What is meant by a web application


What does int [] mean in java?


What is the surrogate key?


what is Bootstrap Grid System?


Is iterator a class or interface? What is its use?