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AppLabs Interview Questions
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Who will repare SRS? What is the basis for SRS preparation?

4 12997

Explain about V-model?

3 9016

Explain about Double V model?

3 9377

How you can decide the number of testcases are enough for testing the given module?

3 15512

What is your favourite Bug?

10 15451

How many testcases have you written till, now as an average per project?

1 14054

How many testcases have you written till, now as an average per project?

1 4679

How many testcases can you write per a day, an average figure?

11 56938

Explain about gamma tesing?

2 5728

What is the difference between software Product and Project

14 46690

How you send defect report?

5 10908

What are the common defects revealed in Functionality testing?

2 11636

what are the microsoft six rules for usability?

4 13743

How can you report the defect using excel sheet?

7 27556

What is the difference between QTP and WinRunner?

5 9536

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Un-Answered Questions

What is difference between session get() and load() method in hibernate?


What is a local repository and when it is useful while using ambari environment?


From which documents can you create a performa invoice?


What does it mean to normalize a database and why would you do it?


Define transaction and transaction isolation levels?


How to use BDM via gdb using unix host system?


Assuming a year in a dogs life is equivalent to 7 years of a humans life, what is 1 hour of a dogs life approximately equivalent to in a humans life?


How do you know when chkdsk is finished?


hi all i am going for a technician position in a UK university can any one send me general questions and there answers to me.. i need possible general questions and answers.. i prepared well on subject basis...


Explain shanon-hartley law.


Define the function of hydro extractor machine?


Explain in brief the situations when you would be using


Can we call reports and transactions from interactive reporting lists?


Explain how to install installing mariadb on homestead?


What is natural key?