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Logica CMG Interview Questions
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what are functional and non functional requirement of SRS document..

6 25346

wht is customised exception?

1 5500

Whats'the difference between Seviroty and priority .. Please answer in the follwoing way ? 1) Who will give the priority and Sevirity (ex - client/users and testers/developers) ? 2) If the client wants to give a high importance to an issue and for that the QA and developement don't think that much importance then how would be the situation ? 3) If a high sevirity issue is there but another issues is there with high priority .. Then which issue will be fixed first and vice versa ?

8 10386

how will you check how many members visited the website


can u execute a proc from another proc?

5 11663

Write the sample code for threading in c# .net..

4 14124

What is mean by "fill factor" ? and what is mean by "Index "in sql?

1 8422

write the query for taking database backup in sql

10 34025

Why do we need to apply support package thru client 000?

6 18320

Hi please tell me what is ISNOTPOSTBACK,POSTBACK,AUTOPOSTBACK and also the extensions of aspx,asmx,ascx its urgent plz reply me soon....

6 11909

how canu done chechin and check out of u r project using with sample examples?

8 9450

What is Test Condition. what is test scenario.

3 15340

what is test scenario and test condition?


Explain BVA and ECP?

5 13551

how can we connect database in manual testing? pls answer for this

2 5851

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Logica CMG Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

hoe much fine & sourse agregate required for concrete mix of 1: 1.5:3 by volume in Cu.Ft


Who discovered windows?


How can you apply a theme to your application?


I recorded a Web App with a Oracle backend using QTP 9.5 and for some reason the scripts don't play back> What am I missing at this point. I recorded the same Apps under Sybase and they work great. This is Oracle 10g. Why won't my scripts play back.


What is java virtual machine? Explain


How many ways to select html tag instances?


How do you build a successful business relationship?


What is currency filter? What are the two ways to use currency filters?


Is it possible to establish a peering connection to a vpc in a different region?


What are the site a recent incident in which a major Cloud computing service provider experienced a service outage?


The rate constant for the second order reaction is 0.54/M.s at 300oC. How long (in sec) would it take for the concentration of NO2 to decrease from 0.62M to 0.28 M? 2NO2(g) 2 NO(g) + O2(g)


Explain various Types of Merging?


Who discovered radio telescope?


Drupal can run on command line?


what is the command to know key fields of file?