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L&T Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 50847

How do you connect the capacitors on polyphase circuits?

10 36494

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 153450

Why a starter is used for a motor?

50 134342

What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are occurred what preventive methods should be taken?

14 50830

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?

20 105830

What happens when a main method is declared as private?

22 54790

What Name space does the web page belon in the .net framework class hierarchy?

1 7222

Method of findingthe dry ingredient quantity of 1 m3 concrete.

25 188680

tell me about yourself?

10 22258

What is Liquidity Ratio?

19 39484

How can you clean up objects holding resources from within the code?

2 6072

What is a Quality Factor?

19 50348

what are active and Passive Components?

102 199202

tell about yourself, please do give with example .

40 115470

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What is Sqoop Import Mainframe Tool and its Purpose?


What is uiwindow in ios?


What is spark deploy mode?


What is the use of matchcode w? : hr- payroll


A trigger can reference objects outside the current database? State true or false.


where are the circulat the diesel in DG parts name with pictue


Write a program to print fibonacci series using recursion?


What is difference between html and jsp?


Explain the components of a test plan?


How to use styleurls and styles in angular 2?


How do I convert a number to a string?


Is it possible to create multiple VM's (more than 15) per day. How can you handle it


Which are the various data sources available in spark sql?


Define tft?


What are the basics of machine learning?