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kenexa Interview Questions
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How u send bugs to dev'lpment team all at once or one by one or waht is the process?

2 4987

What is the main difference between SDLC & V-MODEL. In the interview,wht exact difference,i should tell for an interveiwer

6 20104

How to carry out bit map check points in QTP


what is security test,what is meant by authentication &autherization

2 8057

hi all, i am searching 4 BPO job as fresher.i have one telephonic interview.i should talk few minutes on any topic.please send me any topic as well as some BPO questions & answers. thanks & regards, ramana.v, +91-9763212908,

6 11056

pointer_variable=(typecasting datatype*)malloc(sizeof(datatype)); This is the syntax for malloc?Please explain this,how it work with an example?

2 8157

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Un-Answered Questions

what do you mean indirect expanse in trading business?


What is the purpose of accesstext?


Why is mvc good?


What are angular templates?


Mathematical models using linear, dynamic, integer, or algorithm models are considered: A. Project selection criteria B. A form of expert judgment C. Project selection methods D. A form of historical information


For titration in anhydrous media with perchloric acide, if lack of titrator, Which indicator is been used for replacement. How calculate pH of test solution to choose suitable indicator?


Distinguish between git fetch and git pull?


What is GLP?


How do I fix a corrupted file?


shell script for reverse the string


I want to add 25 to all of the cells in column a. I do not want a new column, I want to add it right to the cells in column a?


What are an object and a class?


What are the various levels where you can Set up Payroll Costing Accounts? Which levels take the highest precedence?


Why do we need interlocking in a HT metering or Ring main unit switchgear?


what do you know about mumbai city