1.how you know all test cases are cover in one application? 2.what is difference between error message and warning message ? 3.what are the items comes under traceabily materix?
7 8800What is the condition or scenario that leads the use of object spy in qtp? (while recording we can get all the properties) then wat leads to use this?
2 11216how can we find setll setgt chain read reade readp operations are successfull or not,give example.explain in detail.
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how you can configure Magento to work with another domain?
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What is in place upgrade in sql server?
Explain commit?
Explain financial lease.
What does heartbeat in hdfs means?
How do I end a php session?
How can we collect the statistics of different database objects?
Mention at what instance have you used the SSH?
Is there a central transaction in the sap system for all administrative database activities?
What is a const? How does it differ from a val?
What exactly is a shell?
What is the purpose of 1:m extended table?