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IBM QTP Interview Questions
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where we save the scripts created in one project?

6 6437

Suppose one object is changed in a project after delivering the project.Where we will update that object? it can be present in many scripts so can we update all the scripts?

1 4031

Anybody can tell me what are the common roles and responsibilites of a Automation Test engineer

2 3959

tell me types of environment variables? what r they? explain details? pls give anwer any one?

2 4318

how many types of actions r there? what r they? explain? pls give any one answer?

3 5573

tell me about regular expressions in QTP? where we use? give eample?

2 4575

i want know iam working 2+ exp in QTP can i do performence testing (eg:loadrunner) yes r no?

6 5245

What is diffrence between Global variables and Environment variables...Anybody can give me answer..Thanks in advance..

3 9793

what is smart identification in qtp? pls any give details? thanks in advance

3 10061

Pls can anybody send me the Recent Technical and Interview Questions Which were asked in IBM(QTP)Automation PLZZZZZZZZZ


What is operator in VB Script?

1 4662

How to map the test cases to requirements in QC?

4 12709

write progamming connecting QTP to database sql? this is question asked by interview? pls any answer this?

4 6458

write progamming connecting QTP to database sql? this is question asked by interview? please give sql, pl/sql related answer?pls any answer this?

3 7456

How do we Access, retriew and edit the runtime objects in Automation Testing using QTP

3 10470

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IBM QTP Interview Questions

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Do you have any friends or relatives working at NIIT Technologies?


Why do we need artificial intelligence?


What is meant my data qutoe error In ms office


In which table collections errors are stored.


List out css3 modules?


How long does bearer token last?


Tell us about yourself & family background?


What is the purpose of hql in communication between hibernate and rdbms?


what is the difference between mutexes and semaphores?


How is a .pyc file different from a .py file?


what is the mean of g= 9.8m/s2. waht is the mean of unit m/s2


Explain the role of dispatcherservlet and contextloaderlistener.


How to upload file in spring mvc application?


What is jit? What are the different types of jit?


Which list is sorted in java?