what is aggregate navigation?

Answer Posted / shikha

Whenever we use Aggregate Aware we need to set up
incompatilibities to work it properly (so BusinessObjects
knows what SQL to generate)

For example, There are 2 aggregate tables fact table by
week and by day.If you set up a measure as aggregate aware
from both tables - total quantity for example, the select
might be something like: -


The week table listed first as this would be the
preference. But as BusinessObjects needs a reason to not go
to the week_agg table, this is done using
incompatibilities. For example the Week Number dimension
object would be compatible with the week_agg table as it
will link to it and the data is held at an appropriate
level to report against it. However the Date dimension
object would be set as incompatible with the week_agg
table, such that when it is selected alongside the Quantity
object, BusinessObjects knows to jump to the next option in
its select definition.

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