This is a common question everybody knows it.But what is
the best answer plz tell me. the question is......
Why do u want to leave your previous company?

Answer Posted / varma

guys you are all wrong, never speak anything wrong about
your previous company( it gives a feeling to the
interviewer that u will speak badly about his company also
after u leave), so its better to say that i have gained
good knowledge from my previous company for which i will be
thankful to it for ever,but change is always good for some
one who is curious to learn new things and wants to grow in
his careeer. guys plzzz for gods sake dont say that i am
leaving my previous company bcoz i get more money in your
company( every one knows that, then why to say that stupid
thing again from our mouth,asha i think u got it). and
Parusharamudu plzzz dont say thank u sir at the ending of
your answer( it sounds so funny and unprofessional).


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