What is your strongest programming language (Java, ASP, C,
C++, VB, HTML,C#, etc.)?

Answer Posted / billy howell

You people do realize that you are answering the wrong
question, right? It didn't ask which is strongest. It
asked which is your strongest. As this question is
completely subjective, I would guess that you balance the
truth with what the company is looking to procure. If they
want a C++ developer and your strongest language is Java,
you may want to say C++ as long as you are strong in that

By the way, please do not use the phrase "most strongest"
in an interview unless you want to get laughed out the
door. Also, all of you that plugged Java here may be
impressed by platform indepence, which C# and VB.NET have
too, but try running real-time systems with Java. People
who work in the video, high-level math, and game industries
cried a little bit when you said Java was the best. : )

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