I didnot received APPSC GROUP I Hall ticket. The Exam is
held on 20.4.08

Answer Posted / shobha rani.t

I didnot received APPSC GROUP I Hall ticket. The Exam is
held on 20.4.08

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Hi friends,this is manju. I want to write group 1 exam..can anyone please suggest me coaching centre in hyderabad? thanks in advance


hi. can any one tell me now i am govt emp,age 29 years i am very interest in group-1, i wont to know the age limit and how many attempt?


hi! can anyone of u send me the previous model papers of group1 mains which were given in 2008 notification brochure


please give details about the group 1 preliminary exam


how to prepare group1 exams?what is the syllabus for it.


Hello sir, I'm sowmya from Chennai finished my B.E.Computers ,I'm interested to pursue Tnpsc Group one exam. I need your help to know the details of it completely as i don't have any clear idea of it . I have entered my questions below ,please help me to know them sir. 1) Is the current year exam got over, if so or not ,can u say the approximate month usually the exam will be held up ????????? 2) May i know the book list needed to prepare for this exam and were i can get those books in Chennai ????????? 3) Is coaching or self study is good to afford sir ? which one is more then enough sir? 4) If the coaching institute affords better , can u please say which one be better to join in Chennai ???????? because all say them as best showing a newsletter so plz help me of it sir 5) Is the correct time to get preparing for the exam ? How long period it takes to prepare sir like civil service it takes lot time ????????? Please guide me sir , let me know answers for the above questions clearly sir . 6) Is aptitude preparation is also needed????? Awaiting for your response. Thank you sir.


can any one please send me the previous papers of group-I? if u want to answer me please mail me to yamini_b@yahoo.com


hi frnd i hv completed my mba and want to prepare fr grops is it corect time.there z only five months time to.can i do it .plz sugest me tqqqqqqq


hi, can anyone tell me about the date of appsc group1 prelims


sir,iam suresh,i'm purchasing b.tech final year in vbit...... can i eligible for group1 exam and civils


Hi , Could someone please suggest me good institutes in vijayawada for APPSC Group 1 . .. Please help me


hello sir this is mshari studing 4 th btech.i want to join in ur institution for group1 coaching.plz send me fee details to my email


RDO Group 1 or 2?


how 2 prepare for group 1 exam i donot have time to take coaching pls send me material to my mail smiley.john85@yahoo.in


I belong to SC category and i secured 68 marks in APPSC group 1.I'm I eligible give my mains exam. Thanks in advance.