Q1.A. Write note on “The class path Environment Variable”?
B. Which are different kinds of source code?

Q2.A. How to create an interface?
B. Why convert an applet to an application?

Q3.A. How to use Media tracker Class.
B. How to use string tokenizer class.

Q4 A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging.
B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL
Warning class.

Q5. A. How to create com object in Java?
B. Write short notes on “The properties class”

Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed?
B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line.
C. Write short notes on Web Sites.

Answer Posted / harmeet

Java classpath
The Java™ virtual machine uses the Java classpath to find
classes during runtime. Java commands and tools also use
the classpath to locate classes. The default system
classpath, the CLASSPATH environment variable, and the
classpath command parameter all determine what directories
are searched when looking for a particular class.
In the Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SDK), Standard
Edition, the java.ext.dirs property determines the
classpath for the extensions that are loaded.
The default bootstrap classpath is system-defined, and you
should not change it. On your server, the default bootstrap
classpath specifies where to find the classes that are part
of the IBM® Developer Kit for Java, the Native Abstract
Window Toolkit (NAWT), and other system classes.
To find any other classes on the system, you must specify
the classpath to search by using the CLASSPATH environment
variable or the classpath parameter. The classpath
parameter that is used on a tool or command overrides the
value that is specified in the CLASSPATH environment
You can work with the CLASSPATH environment variable using
the Work with Environment Variable (WRKENVVAR) command.
From the WRKENVVAR display, you can add or change the
CLASSPATH environment variable. The Add Environment
Variable (ADDENVVAR) command and Change Environment
Variable (CHGENVVAR) command either add or change the
CLASSPATH environment variable.
The value of the CLASSPATH environment variable is a list
of path names, separated by colons (:), which are searched
to find a particular class. A path name is a sequence of
zero or more directory names. These directory names are
followed by the name of the directory, the ZIP file, or the
JAR file that is to be searched in the integrated file
system. The components of the path name are separated by
the slash (/) character. Use a period (.) to indicate the
current working directory.

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