what is defination of system testing?

Answer Posted / ajreddy

End to End testing

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Want to verify notepad reports using QTP framework or any other BV script method. Can anyone share the method to achieve it? Eg. Person Name is the header and the actual name is John then how can we verify weather person name is John


i need code for how to click on particular mail in utlook mail box .its urjent Thank You Balaji


how to i add the values using the check points property?( i.e valid data(for valid data it's giving the footer message:value is added) and for invalid data: special chars, spaces,Duplicates and null values (in my page when ever we enter special chars, spaces and null values, it's giving the proper warning message and for Duplicates it's giving the footer message:"value already exists)?


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descriptive program for a yahoo mail that is in yahoo mail suppose check box mailid subject assume it is like this format all things are in webtable the question is suppose some mail ids are there in that mailids i want to select the check box wich is before a@gmail.com and after that i want to click on delete button


i am new QTP... please tell me automation frameworks , types & for whiich type of applications frameworks are used & how to generate script in keyword driven framework


I am getting the "test object property" Description properties "toolkit class" value By using "gettoproperty" in run time But my problem is how to get Ordinal Identyfier's type and value Type is index, value is 0 How can i keep this values in to required place How can i get these values in runtime I have to insert these "index" and "value" into another area Is there any script for this like "gettoproperties","Getroproperties" If anybody knows,please help me .


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