what are the disadvantages of qtp?
can linux support qtp9.2?
how could get web address throu vbscript?

Answer Posted / avkumar

in database testing qtp not showing the differences after
performing changes in qtp unlike to winrunner

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

How to do the scripting. Is there any inbuilt functions in qtp as in qtp-s. What is the difference between them? How to handle script issues?


Does quicktest professional (qtp) is unicode compatible?


I am getting the "test object property" Description properties "toolkit class" value By using "gettoproperty" in run time But my problem is how to get Ordinal Identyfier's type and value Type is index, value is 0 How can i keep this values in to required place How can i get these values in runtime I have to insert these "index" and "value" into another area Is there any script for this like "gettoproperties","Getroproperties" If anybody knows,please help me .


Hi all, I am using windows vista, I am in the process of learning QTP. When ever I try to work with insert mode in flight application , i am getting the error of 'Operation must use an update table query, fractional truncation(null) error. Can anyone help me regarding this?


before launching qtp, we need to close all the open browsers u dont know what are all the browsers either it might be ie,mozilla etc and u dont know how many brosers are open.... u need to close all these before launching qtp.. can anyone plz temme d solution...


Explain how Does Run time data (Parameterization) is handled in QTP?


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wht is Manual Testing Frame work. Pls anybody can give appropriate answers


hi i am working with vbwindow on qtp.first i am openning qtp whenever open qtp my application not open that time generated error like "Runtime error 0" and fatal error:automation error how to solve this problem pls tell me


How to build scripts that access data from external sources?


Suppose I created one object as virtual object? That object is applicable to that test? Or all the tests?


How can i get the image text that changes dynamically? Here i have used "GetROProperty", but it's not working. I used like Ex:Browser("webmail").Page("inbox").image ("captchaimage).getroproperty("innertext/text/value")


What are the recording modes in qtp?


Who uses qtp tool?


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