1.Can we use multiple excel sheets in winrunner?
2.What is the templet of writing test cases?
3.Which bug tracking tool u r using in u'r company?
4.Can any one give me real time test case format?
My mail id id shobha.mar28@gmail.com

Answer Posted / trinadh

1.Yes you can use multiple excel sheets in winrunner,but
column should be unique other wise winrunner is confuse to
identify the column.
2.test cases templets are changes depends on
company.General test case temple is
S.No,Test case ID,Test case Name(Small
description),Desciption(complete description),Input
value,Expected Vaue
you can add other columns like requirement Id,step
No,automation status(means can do automation or not),
3.Generally most companies using Bug zilla as bug tracking
tool and familiar tools are test director and Quality
center.Here tool will change depends on company,some
companies they are using thier own bug tracking tool.In
Siemens Communication systems they are using thier own
tools like TOM,CM-Suit and some companies they use excel
sheet itself.

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