What are the recording modes and executing modes avialble
in QTP?

Answer Posted / sudeepthz

Different Recording modes in QTP
1. Normal Recording (F3)
2. Analog Recording (Alt+Shift+F3)
3. Low Level Recording (Ctrl+Shift+F3)

And the paths to get the execution modes in QTP

Tools--> Options--> Run Tab--> there we can change the
executing settings..

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Hi All, issue is related to handling pop up script generated in IE, and run on mozilla. In App Under Test, when we get the alert pop ups, we just click ok button. if we need to run the same code on mozilla it will not identify . so we will check browser if browser(*).dialog(IE object).exits browser(*).dialog(IE object).winbutton(OK).click else 'by default mozilla browser(*).dialog(mozilla object).page(*).webbutton(OK).CLICK END IF But my qustion is. Do we write the above piece of code where ever we get such kind of pop ups from the application like alert pop up, confirmation pop up.... OR do we have any other alternative way to do this by using any functions in Recovery Scebarios? If Any of u know idea please do help me in this regard. or send answer to kravimb@gmail.com


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